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How to get around news paywall with just one Chrome extension in 2023News paywall can be annoying, and you don’t want to pay for it. We know. Here’s one Chrome extension to bypass them all! 💪Sep 25, 2022Sep 25, 2022
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Published inTDS Archive3 Common Technical Debts in Machine Learning and How to Avoid ThemTechnical debt is the ongoing cost of expedient decisions made when implementing code. It is all the shortcuts or workarounds in technical…Sep 29, 2019Sep 29, 2019
Published inTDS ArchiveA line-by-line implementation guide to Word2Vec using NumpyWord2Vec is touted as one of the biggest recent breakthrough in the field of Natural Language Processing. The concept is simple, elegant…Dec 6, 201817Dec 6, 201817
Published inTDS ArchiveA line-by-line layman’s guide to Linear Regression using TensorFlowLinear regression is a great start to the journey of machine learning, given that it is a pretty straightforward problem and can be solved…Oct 19, 20182Oct 19, 20182